

FEBRUARY 2, 2023


By Alexander Ishov and Theocharis Papatrechas


Morphés for Flute and Electronics is a three-part electroacoustic collaboration between flutist Alexander Ishov and composer Theocharis Papatrechas exploring the inner sonic world of the flute. This event features Morphés I, a 30-minute fixed media work for 20 speakers that immerses listeners within a constantly shifting musical landscape challenging the sense of space, timbre and orientation. 

The soundworld of Morphés was created using amplification and instrumental preparation practices developed by PrismaSonus, an artistic initiative researching the relationship between microphone placement, flute technique and perception. Placing microphones inside of the body of the instrument  highlights timbres and microtechniques that are otherwise hidden to performers and listeners. PrismaSonus explores how technology displaces listening perspective, allowing us to inhabit sonic landscapes we can only imagine. 

In May 2023, the team will present Morphés II, a live performance version of the fixed media work. Morphés III will be an online version of the project, mixed binaurally for headphones. Later in 2023, PrismaSonus will unveil an interactive database of electronically-mediated flute techniques that will serve as a modern, interactive resource for flutists and composers exploring electroacoustic collaboration.

